Friday, October 25, 2024

It’s Official: Molly Miller Announces Candidacy for LR Board of Directors

That didn’t take long.

According to an 8am post on the Facebook page, “Molly Miller for Little Rock City Director“:

LITTLE ROCK – Today, Molly Miller officially announced her candidacy for Little Rock City Board of Directors, At-Large Position 10. Miller is a pro-growth progressive who believes that Little Rock is at a crossroads of economic development. On election day, voters will make a choice between innovation, fair business practices and progress or the status quo, stagnation and a shortfall of economic development in all zip codes. Miller supports consideration of alternative plans for the I-30 expansion, the continued rebuilding of the Little Rock School District and increasing connectivity between different areas of the city through improving public transportation and bicycle access.

“For Little Rock to become a stronger city, we need forward-thinking, hard-working leaders at all levels of government,” Miller said. “The status quo can blind us to opportunities that can bring the city we love to new levels of success and create a better sense of community.”

You can read the rest of the announcement here.

Like I said yesterday, this is welcome news. The current position 10, at-large director, Joan Adcock, has spent decades pushing the desires of the Chamber of Commerce and various moneyed special interests, while turning an absolute blind eye to huge swaths of the city. I’m glad Miller mentioned the I-30 expansion, too; there might be no better litmus test for which candidate has the long-term best interests of the city–the entire city–in mind.

Candidates for city director cannot begin fundraising until June 1. Until then, everyone who would like to see a new direction in city government can help by spreading the word. Any questions about the campaign should be directed to Molly at or (501) 515-7463.

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