Sunday, September 8, 2024

#ARElections: Ross Press Release

AR-04 winner Mike Ross issued the following statement:

HOT SPRINGS, ARK. – According to the Associated Press, Mike Ross of Prescott has won his re-election bid to serve another term in Congress representing Arkansas’s Fourth Congressional District.  At a speech in Hot Springs Tuesday evening, Ross thanked his supporters and called on the state and nation to come together after the election.

Statement by U.S. Congressman Mike Ross of Prescott:

“I want to sincerely thank every Arkansan who voted for me in this election. I am humbled by the trust and confidence you have placed in me to continue representing you in our nation’s capital.  I love Arkansas, I love this great country and I consider representing you in the U.S. Congress one of the greatest privileges of my life.

“But, tonight is not my victory. Tonight is your victory. It’s a victory for working families, farm families, seniors, veterans, small businesses and all who embrace our common sense, Arkansas values.

“The theme of my campaign has been common sense because it has been the common sense values that I learned growing up here in Arkansas that have been my guide in representing you at our nation’s capital.

“My opponent in this campaign, Beth Anne Rankin, called me a few minutes ago and gracefully conceded the election. Miss Rankin is a talented individual who ran an aggressive campaign and, without a doubt, a proud American and someone who deeply loves her country.

“This is an historic time in Arkansas politics.  The other three members of Arkansas’s Congressional Delegation did not seek re-election and those seats will be filled by new members in January.  I pledge to you that I will work with each of them to ensure Arkansas has a strong and effective voice in the U.S. Congress.

“I ran for re-election because I want to help lead this great country through some difficult and challenging times. At a time when partisan discourse has divided this country, now more than ever, we need to put America’s interest before that of any political party.  Now that the election is behind us, it is my hope that we can all come together as fellow Americans. As President Clinton has said, there is a lot more that unites us than divides us.

“Whether you are a Democrat, a Republican, a member of the Green party or an independent, my duty is to represent each and every person who calls Arkansas’s Fourth Congressional District home.

“As I prepare to complete this term and look to a new session of Congress in January, I want you to know that my focus will be on reducing the federal deficit and getting our economy back on track. Congress owes it to the American people to enact common sense legislation that restores fiscal discipline, rewards hard work and encourages private-sector job growth.  As I have said throughout this campaign, I am not going to rest until everyone who wants a job has one.

“So, my pledge to everyone, whether you supported me or not, is that I will keep listening to you, keep fighting for you and keep working on your behalf. I have and will always answer to the people of Arkansas and to no one else.

“As a fifth generation Arkansan, I am the proud son of public school educators who taught me that if you work hard, get a good education, don’t fear failure and stand up for what is right, you can achieve anything in America. It is the small town values I learned from my parents growing up in places like Emmet, Hope and Prescott that serve as my guide. They have never failed me—and never will.  As I prepare to serve as your United States Representative for another term, I promise you this—I’ll never stop fighting for the common sense, Arkansas values we were raised on—and still believe in.”

I might not see eye-to-eye with the congressman on every issue, but I can honestly say that I am incredibly glad that he won.

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