Wednesday, February 12, 2025

AR-Sen: Fort Smith Paper Finds Way To Endorse Republican in Dem Primary

The Fort Smith City Wire has endorsed D.C. Morrison in the May 18 preferential primary.  Though they admit that their endorsement is “unlikely to help him capture much support among the 17 people in the Fort Smith region voting in the Democratic primary,” they picked Morrison ostensibly “because he’s not U.S. Sen. Blanche Lincoln and Lt. Gov. Bill Halter” and “because poll after poll after poll affirm that Lincoln and Halter are not” like the people in Fort Smith.

Oh, do you think so, doctor?

What makes Morrison more like a Fort Smith voter (Fort Smithian?) than Halter or Lincoln?  Not surprisingly, the answer has something to do with sounding exactly like a Republican.

During an April 12 forum in Fort Smith, Morrison referred to global warming as “junk science” and said the recently passed health care bill should be repealed.


As to the Waxman-Markey bill (clean energy act often referred to as cap and trade legislation), Morrison said: “It’s just a way to tear down our society.”

Whatever.  As the paper notes, Morrison (thankfully) doesn’t have a chance as far as winning.  However, I take serious issue with this:

Morrison is much more of the old-school, Arkansas-conservative Democrat that has made Gov. Mike Beebe so damned popular.

No. No, he absolutely is NOT that, and it’s completely asinine to suggest otherwise.  Mike Beebe may be an old-school Arkansas-conservative Democrat; D.C. Morrison is so obviously Republican that Beebe looks like Jennifer Granholm by comparison.  Heck, Mike Ross and Marion Berry look like Nancy Pelosi when compared with Morrison.

Morrison may be many things — tall, boring in a debate, possibly nuts — but he is in no way, shape, or form a Democrat, even by Arkansas standards.

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