Friday, October 25, 2024

AR-02: Kennedy Releases 1Q Fundraising Totals

Remember the halcyon days of last week, when I opined:

I would speculate further and say that there is little reason to think Kennedy beat Adams’ $50,000 in 1Q fundraising, given that Kennedy did not immediately try to trump the surprise of Adams’ announcement by releasing his own numbers.

Well, it turns out that I was right.  Today, the Kennedy camp announced its first quarter fundraising total of

…wait for it…

$5,585.  Or, roughly 12% of the money raised by the fourth-highest fundraiser, John Adams.  Not to be deterred by little things such as having enough money to be even remotely competitive over the next month, Kennedy released a “commercial” of his own.

Someone care to explain why his “5-second commercial” is 12-seconds long?

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