Sunday, February 16, 2025

AR-Sen: Weird Gets A Little Weirder

First, there was the news that Marion Berry’s son, Mitchell Berry, was behind a group called Arkansas For Common Sense, which recently launched an ad attack Bill Halter for his position on Social Security. (Marion Berry is a vocal supporter of Blanche Lincoln.)

Now we get word of this:

But the Halter campaign has hacked the group’s Web site and re-routed it to a “fact check” of the ad on Halter’s Web site, according to a Halter source. (emphasis added)


Update: MSNBC now reporting that Halter’s group bought the domain name, and no hacking was involved.  That makes a little more sense.

Update Redux: It seems Mitchell Berry contacted the Arkansas Blog and kinda-sorta cleared up the whole thing, saying that he does not run Arkansans for Common sense, he has not even seen the ad, and that “all [he] did was organize the entity for them as their attorney.”

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