Saturday, January 25, 2025

Talk Business: “Fireworks” Likely In Redistricting Debate

With Arkansas’s 2010 Census data in, the process of redrawing Arkansas’s state and federal congressional districts is soon to begin.  Content partner Roby Brock takes a look at some of the underlying issues and notes that, either due to or despite the recent GOP/Tea Party gains in both chambers, “loyalties among Democratic and Republican legislative members will also highlight the forthcoming epic debate.”

Regardless of the outcome, there are sure to be fireworks and it will likely be the most politically charged debate of the session. Arkansas’ Congressional Districts have changed dramatically during the last 70 years, but not so much in the last 20 years as we’ve previously reported. It appears that the 2011 realignment will be one for the ages.

The most salient point of the entire post, however, might be in this blurb (emphasis added):

1) You could see a near-straight party line vote on redistricting if the Democrats decide to muscle a plan to their advantage through. Despite cries of partisanship, if the tables were turned, you can bet your bottom dollar that the GOP would build a plan in their favor and keep their rank-and-file in order. The Democrats may do the same.


In related news, Secretary of State Mark Martin announced the launch of an interactive website designed to encourage public participation in the redistricting process.  The site — — “includes important information about the Board of Apportionment and provides a forum to begin receiving public input.”

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