Monday, October 14, 2024

Preview: Week of 11/7/10

My hope is to put up a weekly preview on Sunday or Monday as a tentative roadmap/teaser.  Will I do it consistently?  Who knows.  (For a point of reference, consider that I still want to do the End of Day Miscellany posts, and consider how well that has or has not gone.)  Anyway, things to look for this week:

  • Near-daily “Worst Letter of the Day” from the Democrat-Gazette’s opinion page.
  • The first of BHR’s BBQ restaurant reviews (plus an explanation of why in the world we think that we are qualified to review BBQ restaurants).
  • Mocking, derisive comments about the juxtaposition of tax cuts and deficit reduction.
  • Possibly a new story about everyone’s favorite swindler, Mark Martin.  (In case you were wondering, no, the Mark Martin watch is not going away.  If anything, it’s getting more attention.)
  • A link to my Two-Day Hangover post at SBN Houston.
  • Some looks forward to 2012, both in Arkansas and nationally.
  • A few random rumblings and grumblings I heard over the weekend from Democrats and Republicans who know such things.

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